The Heritage Herald

Week 7 - Friday 24 November 2023

A message from our Principal

Dear families 

The end of the year is rapidly approaching.  In the minds of retailers everywhere – Christmas has arrived! Concerningly, this means that the meaning of Christmas is liable to be lost in the materialism that pervades society. Even for Christians, we can find ourselves caught up in the excitement and busyness that has become par for the course at this time of year. It is a paradox that at a moment in the calendar when we should stop and consider that God sent his only Son to earth, the promised Messiah, that instead we would fill our time with busyness, shopping, and worry. This poses a challenge to us at school too, with end of year celebration evenings and reporting. Even so, these things are important because they are the way to reflect on and celebrate our student learning. 

This term our focus has been to develop in our understanding of the most significant of our school values “Honour God”. Our staff have been explaining that honouring God means holding Him in his right place as the creator of the universe and responding with awe by treating everyone with the dignity afforded to God’s precious creations. We have been exploring that we can Honour God by working hard and using our talents to benefit others and bring glory to God. 

One example, of many this term, has been our Intergenerational program run by Mrs. Baldwin. Thank you, Mrs. Baldwin for organising this wonderful program. It has been great to see the growth of our students who, over the past six weeks, have met with the seniors from local RSL villages. There have been a number of powerful moments in the relationship building for both groups; certainly, it is a been an outworking and embodying of our school values to “Serve in Community” and to “Honour God”. Through this program we have witnessed the maturing of our young people. It is wonderful to see them develop their communication skills and collaborative approaches to working with others from a different context and for the benefit of the broader community. Our students have risen to the challenge and really embraced this opportunity. Genuine relationships have been formed and we are absolutely encouraged by the authenticity of this pilot program and those who have participated. 

There are many such experiences that our students have engaged in over this year. Whether it be the amazing camps, the Music-a-Viva concert, the co-curricular program, the Designing for Deep Learning experiences, the parent days, carnivals, excursions, Rock and Water program, and the wonderful classroom learning experiences that happen each period of each day. We have had a wonderfully full year of learning as we have celebrated our 40th year.  

There is much to be thankful for.  Paul, in his letter to the Ephesians, directs us to “sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” It is quite the contrast with the individualism of the Tik Tok world of our children; and one that we are seeking to highlight for our students in our school community. We want them to see that kindness and compassion are best for them and bring Glory to God. 

Thank you for partnering with us in the education of your children. We count it a great privilege and a joy to share with you in the work to develop our young people into highly capable students of Christian character to serve and enrich the community to the Glory of God. 

Praying that this Christmas we will all be able to stop for a moment and consider how great is our God. 

Matt Cohen


Welcoming our 2024 Kindergarten Students!

Our 2024 Kindergarten cohort have had a fantastic beginning to their schooling journey! They have brought enthusiasm and an excitement to learn to each of their Play Days at school this term.

It has been wonderful to see them listening carefully to the storybooks, engaging in the craft activities and playing happily together. There are some lovely friendships forming already between students and also between families. 

Yesterday’s final play day was a particular highlight, where our Kindy students met their Year 6 buddies, who then took them on a school tour looking for the Green Sheep!

We are looking forward to partnering with each family in their child’s first year of school and are very excited for 2024 and all the fun, learning and growth that it will bring.

 Mrs Bouwer

Learn to Swim and Water Safety 2023

This week, our Year 2, Year 4 and Year 6 students had the opportunity to participate in Learn to Swim and Swim Safety at Port Macquarie Pool. Our students had lots of fun and immersed themselves in a comprehensive program focused on developing crucial swim skills and fostering water safety awareness. We want to extend special thanks to the Port Macquarie Pool staff for their engaging and educational lessons. As we head towards the summer holidays, we encourage parents and carers to continue reinforcing water safety practices at home and thank you for your partnership in this experience.

Kindergarten Foreshore Walk

What an adventure Kindy went on last Friday! We had rain, wind and even a bit of sun but no matter the weather, our Kindy students remained in high spirits. I was very proud of how they embraced each challenge and encouraged each other throughout the morning.

 Some student highlights included going on the bus, birthday cupcakes, walking in the rain, seeing the river, hot chip sandwiches, seeing how God cleared the skies and gave us some sun, and of course, the Splash Park! We also reflected on how it was actually quite lovely that we had the whole splash park to ourselves - the dreary weather wasn’t such a bad thing after all and God had a better plan for the day than Mrs Bouwer did!

 A big thank you to the parents who braved the weather and came and helped on the day.

Mrs Bouwer

A Special Thank you to our Volunteers

Thank you to all of our wonderful volunteers for the time you have given to our school in 2023. We value your service, and the example you give to our students in fulfilling two of the HSC values of Honouring God and Serving in Community! Each one of you are an important and valued part of our school community. We appreciate you!

Heritage Students Serving in Community

We are proud of our secondary students, who on Monday, partnered with Hope shop to lovingly package over 40 Christmas hampers. These will be a blessing for many families this Christmas as a simple expression of God's love for all of us. 

Mark 12 Awards for Weeks 6 & 7

A Moment for Wellbeing with our School Counsellor


 The simplest way to explain the practise of mindfulness is to bring your focus to the present moment.

 It’s what Jesus, the master of being present in the moment, was expressing in Matthew 6:19-34, when he instructed his followers not to “worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Each day has enough troubles of its own.” Jesus then draws the crowd’s attention to the flowers and birds that surrounded them, to help them engage with the present moment.

 Working on mindfulness gives us opportunities to connect with God develop, pay attention to the present moment, and our thoughts. Practising mindfulness daily can help us stay focused on set tasks and reduce stress and anxiety.

 Whole Family Activity:

Mindful Walk

● As a family, go on a walk outside in nature. This might be around your local walking track, at your local park or just around your streets.

● While walking, tune into your senses and observe what you can see, hear and feel. Or you might choose to focus on one of the senses. Eg: Hear: what are all the noises you can hear on your walk?

● On your way home or when you return home, share what each person saw, heard or felt.

 Family Habit Builder:

Each night at dinner, ask everyone to take one mouthful of food more mindfully than the rest and think about the flavours they can taste and how it makes them feel. (They can also thank the chef!).

Kye Dures

School Counsellor

Heritage Christian School

We encourage all families to have a copy of our weekly newsletter, via 'Audiri', or email to stay up to date with what is happening within the school community.

~ Faith & Knowledge ~