Starting School at Heritage

The Junior School years are an exciting and unique time of learning and wonder. Is there anything quite like seeing a Kindergarten student discover the treasure of reading, or the almost-ready-to-launch of Year 6 and the privilege of walking with them towards their teen years. We count it a great honour to be involved in the Junior School years of a child’s education.


Choosing a school for your child is important, for the decision leads to an ongoing relationship and community that your family becomes part of. As parents, we value that you are the experts on your child as a person and ask us into sacred space.  As a school, we have much experience and expertise in educating. The best results come from working together, with clear communication, and built trust.


We believe that fun and order co-exist in Junior School learning. Explicit teaching is essential and partners well with exploration, discovery, and adventure-based learning. We also know the power of a Growth Mindset and equipping our students to that end.

We use research-based methodology and programs that systematically and clearly teach syllabus outcomes. Of note is the Australian synthetic phonics program, InitiaLit that we teach in Infants. Its effectiveness in teaching children to read is renowned and we are thrilled with the ongoing results we see. Becoming a proficient reader at a young age lays a wonderful foundation for learning in all areas.

We also adhere to the methodology of Deep Learning which values formation of the whole child through clearly addressing the key competencies of character, citizenship, collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking. This combined with Transformation by Design, a Biblical curriculum design approach, we hope will lead to deep transformation of our students as people and learners, preparing them to take their place in society.

Learning Support

Our Junior School has a well-run and responsive Learning Support department. Our students are seen as individuals, and their needs are addressed accordingly. If a child would benefit from targeted help, intervention programs and responses are put in place. Likewise, if extension is required, that too is provided. We see that differentiation is part of a faithful response to an individual.

Pastoral Care & Welfare

To be seen, known, and loved instils great value and security in us as people.  The ultimate expression of this is found in the way God knows and loves us. Our approach to Pastoral Care in Junior School is modelled on this principle. Classroom teachers aim to know each child, caring for them as a person and also a learner. We also have a School Counsellor who has great rapport with our students and spends time with individuals or groups as needed.

We believe strongly that right relationship is at the heart of healthy community. This principle is the underpinning of the way we address misbehaviour and relational fractures. We acknowledge that children, and indeed all people, are constantly learning how to navigate themselves and others. Communication, repentance, forgiveness, restoration, and growth are key.


Learning encompasses every aspect of life, and we aim to provide a variety of opportunities for our students to try new things and discover and develop their gifts.

Opportunities outside of normal curriculum learning include:

  • An outdoor education and camp program, K-6;
  • Learning an instrument by way of a tutor program that operates within school hours;
  • Junior School Choir;
  • Sporting opportunities: both individual and team pursuits, with opportunities to represent our school and state;
  • Technology: VEX Robotics and STEAM programs;
  • Chess club;
  • Library monitoring;
  • Leadership and service opportunities: Junior School Captains, Junior School Sport Captains, as well as various opportunities throughout the year to serve our school community;
  • Supporting our Sponsor Child.

Should there be questions or things to discuss, Mrs Elizabeth Killick, Head of Junior School would love to meet with you