Our curriculum strategy is illustrated in this student formational framework image.

This image illustrates our 4 values that underpin our desires for our students.

Our aspirations are embodied in our values that students would:

  1. Honour God by working hard and using their talents to benefit others and bring glory to God.
  1. Learn with Courage by pursuing their goals with the resilience and grit of a Growth Mindset.
  1. Live with Integrity by doing what is right, even when no one is looking and ensuring their actions match their convictions.
  1. Serve in Community by belonging to and contributing to something bigger than themselves.

Our teachers recognise the importance of developing specific deep learning skills that will prepare our students for life after school.

We focus on the 6 C’s of transformational learning:
1. Character

Character refers to qualities of the individual essential for being personally effective in a complex world including grit, tenacity, perseverance, resilience, reliability, and honesty.

2. Critical Thinking

Refers to the ways that students filter, analyse, and question any information that they might find in various media, be it written, spoken, or broadcast, and then integrate it to fit their understanding.

3. Creativity

Refers to the ability of students to make use of their knowledge and/or talents to create something new, or to produce something in a new way.

4. Communication

The ability to put forward ideas and information in a clear, meaningful way.

5. Collaboration

The way students use various personalities, talents, and knowledge to work together and produce something new.

6. Citizenship

Embracing citizenship involves the ability of students to be in touch with everything that surrounds them, to know and appreciate where they come from, and the values and beliefs that people in their society hold, and their history as a society.

The Student Formational image is framed in a biblical worldview that seeks to put Jesus first. We utilise Designing For Deep Learning and the Transformation By Design framework to shape all learning activities and consider how they fit in God’s world and His greater purpose for us all.